About Me
When I was little, I wanted to become a music teacher. I always loved music, and I seemed to have some talent for it. There were several amazing teachers along the way who helped me develop not only my performance skills, but also my sense of self-confidence. I learned early on just how important relationships can be in shaping your future.
Life doesn’t always go the way we think it will. Instead of becoming a music teacher, I became a family therapist. With an interest in helping families cope with the crisis of cancer and lifethreatening illnesses, I opened my small private practice while working for a local hospice organization.
It was through these experiences that I learned first-hand just how resourceful & resilient people can become when confronted with the most unthinkable challenges. These were powerful lessons that changed the way I think about the human spirit, and our capacity to live rich & meaningful lives, regardless of the circumstances.
As my career in healthcare advanced, I moved into the “business side” of things. The non-profit sector has always been attractive to me. There’s something special about a business that is driven by a mission to serve people, rather than to merely deliver a return to shareholders. Make no mistake, the purpose of every business is to make a profit. Non-profit organizations can’t lose money, or they’ll close just like any other enterprise. But when the mission of the organization is to redirect their profits back into serving people, I find myself wanting to play even harder!
Ultimately however, I found healthcare operations to be unfulfilling. I was a clinician at heart, not an administrator. While it was great to be behind the scenes influencing the systems that made world-class healthcare possible, I missed being at the bedside where the doctors, nurses, social workers & home health aides were making a real and tangible impact.
How could I find a way to blend my entrepreneurial drive to serve people with a career that was very business oriented? Real estate turned out to be the answer.​
Having never sold anything in my life, I walked away from a very lucrative career in health care administration to become a real estate agent. I’m sure that people thought I was crazy. And yet, it fed my passions. I came to understand that when done well, selling is nothing more than providing a new perspective so that people can make decisions that improve their lives, then get into action to make things happen! Decisions and actions are the cornerstone of everything worthwhile in life. Real estate it seemed to me, was not that different than any other helping profession.
After a slow start, I quickly turned things around to become the “Rookie of the Year” in my real estate office. Over the next 20 years, I have been an award-winning sales agent and a brokermanager of numerous sales offices. I have owned my own real estate company and trained or consulted for many others. For over a decade, I have been the primary performance coach for many of the most successful & productive sales offices in our MLS systems. Coaching entrepreneurs to create better businesses and a life by design has become my professional passion!
If you are looking to make a change in your business or in your personal life, then book a free consultation to get the process started. I look forward to hearing from you!
Brag Bullets
I have logged over 1,000 coaching hours as a professional real estate coach.
I have been the Performance Coach for 7 different real estate companies. Four of these companies were either #1 or #2 in their MLS systems during the period I coached them.
Certified Coach by the Maxwell Leadership Organization.
Maintained private practice as a medical family therapist.
Former VP of Operations in a large NJ Healthcare System.
Earned an MSW from New York University.
Earned a Certificate in Family Therapy from the NJ Center for Family Studies.
Earned a Certificate in Non-Profit Management from Seton Hall University.